31 March 2011


Have you ever head of the slang term pwn? It’s pronounced as pown and used as internet jargon for owning or being owned. For example, if you effortlessly defeat your opponents while playing your favorite video game, you pwnd them. But if you lost terribly, well, you got pwnd.

Thanks to the internet as well, I’ve recently realized that there’s always at least two sides to everything. There probably ain’t a thing you could say that only has a singular aspect or feature to it which you’d blindly take in.

An example would be our recent knowledge of the word pwn. You could either see it as useless trivia that should never be heard of again or you could pwn your friends by using the word pwn itself. Which one is better?

Either actually. That depends on you. If you think the former benefits you more, then by all means go ahead. If you think otherwise, then there’s nobody stopping you as well. As long as it leaves you a better person then your preferences wouldn’t really matter that great.

It will be tricky knowing which side will leave us better but that’s makes our lives exciting and meaningful. Just remember that despite moments when life pwns you, you still have your whole life to pwn back and pwn it completely.

Thus, starting today, we choose to become better. We choose to pwn life!

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