27 March 2011

Closure You and I

A recent conversation with my friends Brian, Samboy and Ralf included a segment on closure. One of them thinks that my ordeal from a few years back still needs some closure. While there’s a grain of truth in that statement, I beg to differ.

Just as we celebrate beginnings, we also celebrate closures. Despedidas and graduation come to mind. Thus, we may be led to believe that everything closes orderly and pleasurably. Of course, we know that only happens in an ideal world.

Take for example, relationships. 

Some do end without proper goodbyes and an enlightenment of the reason why one chose to leave. The other is just left in the dark to pick up the pieces of his/her broken heart and move on with his/her life. A task much easier said than done. It will only be more difficult if the other waits for a closure that will probably never come because the one who left shall never come back no matter what.

In times like these when closure seems bleak and distant, it’s best to initiate closure for yourself. You cannot just wait forever for other people to come back and give you that proper closure you might just never have.

It will probably be ages better if you accept that some things don’t close as neat and beautiful as others and that sometimes, closure has to come from within. And in times like these, it should come from within.

You just have to realize that though it isn’t the ideal outcome, it’s still the best one out there.

Though we’ll probably never have the closure I would’ve wanted for us, I could still very well tell myself that I am happy and at peace. Hope you are too!


  1. Kung sino nagsabi na kailangan mo ng closure, siya naman talaga ang may kailangan ng closure.

  2. Maybe, maybe not. It's his call din naman. But I think he'll have a better idea if he read this :)
