20 March 2011

If this is all we ever were...

If this is all we ever were…

When we find ourselves at the end of a relationship, at some point, we may have asked ourselves a similar question . Is this really all we ever going to be?

People come and go. Some even leave us before we reach the depth of friendship or romance we would have expected or wanted to have with them. But that’s inevitable since we don’t have control over other people. We cannot coerce those who do not want to stay without hurting them or ourselves in the process. Just as my conclusion in my Will you stay or will you go is not the question entry, let us be reminded not to dwell on the reasons they left but celebrate the reasons and moments they have stayed with us.

Furthermore, let this entry serve a reminder for us to always give our all for our relationships (both ourselves and our partner) despite them lasting quicker than we desire them to be. Let neither transience nor longevity limit the kind of love we give. Matter of fact, these should impel us to love completely in spite of the perennial possibility of the relationship coming to an end.

How do we know if we’ve been able to love completely or even a lesser version of it? It actually depends on you. However, one definite sign would be if you’ve felt hurt at some point in the relationship. Rather counterintuitive but nevertheless true.

Why such an indicator you may ask? For me, being hurt signifies reaching a relationship stage where you’ve cared for the other person enough to stir such kind of emotion in you. As some have put it, hate isn’t the feeling at love’s opposite end of the spectrum. Indifference is.

Thus, hopefully, with the end of every relationship we have, we won’t look back on it with cold indifference but with a tender smile while we utter to ourselves…

At least I’ve loved enough to hurt.

Sidenote: The lines are from the song More Than This by Shane Mack. I first heard it from the film Shelter. I actually preferred the other Shane Mack song from the film, Lie to Me, because it was juxtaposed with a *kilig* montage. LOL. However, More Than This has grown on me because of its sheer honesty and rawness.


  1. shelter <3 talaga! I always watch this film whenever i want to feel fragile and hopeful at the same time. LOL!

  2. hope inducing nga talaga ang shelter. kakatuwa! :D
