13 March 2011


I would like to pray for everyone in Japan especially those who have been severely affected by the earthquake, tsunami and now, the nuclear plant-related challenges. Let everyone in the country be safe and strong in these troublesome times and that rescue and relief be as quick and efficient to save those who are still alive. Hopefully, the country swiftly recovers from this disaster. The world is one with you.

I think Filipinos, especially those who live in flooding-prone/landslide-prone areas, can relate to what happened. Despite having calamities of much less proportion as compared with the recent Japanese earthquake, I believe that we pretty much have a good idea of the trauma the whole country must be going through.

Personally, the recent Japanese brought me back to 2009 where I experienced two typhoon-related traumatizing experiences. Emong in May and Ondoy in September. With Emong, it was just probably a weekend since we were only on vacation in Pangasinan. However with Ondoy, the agony stretched for weeks as everyone in Marikina and other affected areas tried to clean all the mud and filth that were left behind by the flood and regain the life they had before the typhoon sunk towns. Yes, the damage may not have been as bad as with Japan now but one could view similar images of tragedy and hear equally moving stories of survival.

I think times like these remind us how fleeting our lives are. Thus, we should make each and everyday count. Do the things you’d love to do and say those you’d want to say for tomorrow may not come as we expect it to be. There’s no day to live and love but today.

Please continue to #prayforjapan.

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