10 March 2011

You Make Me Feel Like I'm Losing My Virginity.

oh my ang halay! but read on :)
Is the first line from Hummingbird Heartbeat by Katy Perry. A hidden gem in her Teenage Dream album despite it being beyond suggestive. But what Katy Perry song isn’t right?

In my opinion, the song uses the hummingbird metaphor brilliantly to describe the ultrafast palpitating heart we have when we experience excite and delight.

Don’t we all crave for moments which leave us with the hummingbird heartbeat? Won’t we be happier if we have more of these moments? Can’t life just supply us with a daily dose of hummingbird heartbeat instead of the occasional, heck, rare ones that we have? One can only wish.

But one actually just needs a little change of heart and perspective. Instead of associating pleasure with hummingbird heartbeat moments, why don’t we try to find it in the simple and normal things we do? Can’t we satisfy and crave in the simple joys that we may have such as chatting with our friends, eating our kind of food or even just the sights and sounds of our commute home? It may be difficult at first given what were used to but trust me, life would seem more wonderful if we appreciate even the most normal and frequently encountered of things.

Making the most out of life isn’t just about those life-changing moments such as graduating, migrating and for some probably, losing their virginity. But it’s also about living out our everyday moments and finding delight in the simplest and even most normal of things.

Besides, an overdose of hummingbird heartbeat moments may hasten the incidence of heart attack, right?

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