22 March 2011

Happily Ever After (turnback tuesdays)

I wrote this entry a few weeks before college six years ago. This was a time I'd thought to myself, "This is my fairytale." Enjoy as always.

Since we were young, we've always been spoonfed with the most wonderful things so that life won't unravel yet its deadly claws on us. Beautiful things such as pots of gold at the end of the rainbow, unicorns, fairies and Santa Claus fill their stories so that we will be enticed to live life to the fullest. But there always comes a time when life finds a way to penetrate the magical armor our elders have put. Life seems to always find a way to break down the most powerful of barriers and show us the real side of life.

It shows us that life is not and never will be a fairytale where we live happily ever after. Yes, we'd go through the trials and tribulations fairytale characters go through but the happily ever after ending is never guaranteed. Some do get it and most of us don't. It's a simple fact of life that everyone of us won't get what we really want. There are only a few people which are lucky enough to dwell in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

But i do believe in fairytales coming true. I do believe that some of us do become Hansels, Prince Charmings, Cinderellas and Snow Whites even just for a day or so. Some though get to live in a fairytale they've always dreamed about for a long time. Some forever.

I do believe in fairytales.

I do believe in happily ever after that is me and you.

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