09 March 2011

Please Sacrifice Yourself.

I ate meat today.

Pretty deviant for a supposed Catholic since it’s Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent for Catholics. A season where people declare their own sacrifices only to have most backtrack on it a week or two later.

Probably into the season’s spirit, my friend Jared had a tweet or two about sacrifice. And this tweet of his got me thinking:

If you read/hear what sacrifices people declare they’ll have, most are forms of self-deprivation. I will not eat meat, not watch television as often, eat chocolates, not go out Friday nights etc.

But do these really do anything? I mean you might not eat meat for 40 days but if you constantly engage yourself in sin like judge people and talk gossip about them then did that really help anyone at all? It seems silly, hypocritical and reeks of selfishness.

More than depriving yourself of something you’d know won’t really matter in the greater scheme of things, why not follow my friend’s tweet and do more. Give more. For others. Hence, the seemingly heartless entry title. 

Christ did not just do the ultimate giving up his life for himself. It was sacrificing his life in order that we all be saved. Of course, I’m not asking you to nail yourself on the cross and die for the world just like what He did. All I’m asking is for us to give our time and ourselves to those who need our help. Why not volunteer for something worthwhile not just this Lent but even beyond the season?

Share yourself with others just like how Christ shared his life to us. Trust me, the fulfillment it brings renders the label sacrifice null and void. You won’t need to give up on that tender slab of steak or the sizzling hot sisig as well!

It is in giving ourselves more to the world that we truly live out the spirit of the Lenten season.

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