17 March 2011

I would like to dedicate this song to myself. I hope I don't forget it.

If you’re following the current season of American Idol, you probably know that the farewell song is season 7 winner David Cook’s cover of the Simple Minds’ Don’t You Forget About Me. A classic tune fit for elimination.

A classic tune fit for my absentmindedness as well. Yes, I have lost 2 pairs of glasses, money, a multitude of umbrellas and countless ballpens in my lifetime. However, I could proudly say that I haven’t lost any phone or wallet. Still ain’t enough redemption, huh?

But aside from forgetting those I’ve already mentioned, I’ve also had moments when I’ve forgotten rather more significant things in my life. I’ve sometimes forgotten about my goals. I’ve often forgotten about the people around me especially those I love. Worse, I’ve sometimes forgotten about my own self. Have you had those days too?

Certainly, we should probably always try finding those we have lost and hope that we regain these somehow. Forgetting some goals and people, it’s going to be okay actually if we lose them. But forgetting portions of yourself? I don’t think losing them would result in any good.

Though it may sound cheesy or useless, it’s going to be easier finding those we have lost if we write them down. Whether it be your goals, your interactions with certain people, your reflections, realizations or even feelings about others and yourself, just write them down! All of these you won’t forget if only you take the time to put it in paper or just even verbalize. Whichever you want as long as it helps you remember.

Now, write one goal and one good thing about yourself! Make sure that you place them somewhere accessible so that you’d always be reminded where you are and where you want to be!

In the end, forgetting lost things, goals and even people may be forgivable given that we really are meant to forget some of these. Forgetting ourselves though isn’t since losing but a part of who we are already alters the kind of human person we’re meant to become.

Thus, as a reminder for myself, here’s a sample of a goal I’d always like to remind myself:

Don't you forget about me!

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