29 March 2011

Whoever told you we needed logic and science? (turnback tuesdays)

This entry is from January 2006. All I could say is that science majors should veer away from this one. LOL. Nope, just enjoy as always, my dear reader!

Well, i should've made an entry earlier in the day but sleep got the best of me. Haha. I even cursed about not getting to watch american idol only to realize that there wasn't any today. Haha. Wednesdays and Thursdays nga pala dito. I got new earphones for my ipod! Yay, you see my original ipod earphones were already frail and brittle that wires were already exposed. Haha. So i really needed new ones but didn't have the time till last saturday. Turns out, the one i bought last saturday had a defect too. The right one just wasn't working...grr. So my mom exchanged it for a new one and voila! i'm using them right now. Hehe. Oh, i got my advisory marks today. And as expected, filipino got the lowest award. But my lit grade wasn't there and i know that it'll snatch that honor from fil12! Haha. Good lord, career na toh sa fil at lit!

While discussing Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, my literature professor told us about how the world today proves to be much more chaotic. And the reason? Our thirst for orderliness. Ironic di ba? I mean it's true. Right now, everyone is crazy segregating stuff and putting order in our lives that it's making much more mess rather than helping us out. Well, not really, but come to think of it, some things are much better when left untouched or in disarray rather than trying to fix it into something that would really just make matters worse. Too much dependence on science and technology (and to think i'm a science major) sometimes disturbs the chaotic order that God has created in this world. Some things are really better left undisturbed and we should just go along and let it happen. We'll just suffer more when we try to stop it from happening or when we try to instill order in it.

The human mind dictates order but the human heart craves for the tranquility brought about by events and objects we deem as unorthodox or chaotic. Human experiences require minimal logic and almost all the time, the heart invokes us to do the craziest yet most satisfying things.

Throw logic and science away. Emotions gratify the soul.

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