28 March 2011

I am so glad to be here.

As I’ve shared a few entries back, one of my favorites from the movie Shelter was the kilig montage. At the end of this montage is the scene of Zach and Sean innocently in bed in the morning after a good night’s sleep.

Sean: You’re so beautiful.
Zach: Shut up!
Sean: Hey, why don’t you take a compliment?

I’ve been unappreciative/dismissive of compliments over recent years. Personally, it’s a consequence of my being cynical after the fiasco which left me in shambles. Yes, I admit that I do have trust issues and that I continue to grapple with trust especially when meeting new people.

Recently however, I’ve realized how such attitude encourages and even perpetuates distrust and insincerity. When we doubt their sincerity, they may become doubtful and distrustful as well. Why should they be sincere and trusting if nobody believes and trusts them? In our doubt and distrust, we ourselves help transform sincere people into the insincere we’ve always imagined them to be.

Such issue though only calls for us to follow Sean’s simple advice, learn to take a compliment. Don’t doubt and hate, just appreciate. Even if it comes from the most insincere or distrusted person you know. It’s his/her loss, not yours. If you show others that you regard their compliment, it will make them become even more appreciative of others.

Actually, it will be better if you compliment others as well! Why wait for others to initiate this sense of sincerity and trust if you could begin it yourself? Just as I’ve written many times before, there’s no day to begin but today.

Thus, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for reading this entry. It’s you and your appreciation and patience (with my being verbose) that keeps me writing despite my busy schedule.

Zach’s answer to Sean’s question actually sums up how I feel about this blog:

Zach: Thanks. I’m so glad to be here…
Sean: Me too…

Hopefully, somehow, Sean's response sums up yours too.

Gratitude in 2 languages I know and 2 I pretend to know. LOL.

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