06 March 2011

I've Been Dreaming of a Frog Prince Kiss

At the center of the classic fairytale The Frog Prince is the kiss that transforms the filthy frog into the charming prince he was before the curse.

And haven’t we all dreamt of our own version of the kiss? A kiss of true love that transforms our beloved frogs into the charming prince or princess we all imagine and desire them to be.

But such kiss is beyond elusive and borderline impossible. No matter how many kisses we give our special someone, they won’t magically turn into the ideal partner we’ve always imagined them to be.

Thus, we probably shouldn’t engage ourselves in love with the conscious effort to change someone. Even after how many attempts to turn our frogs into princes/princesses, they will still remain a frog. We’ll only be left frustrated, downtrodden and worst, heartbroken.

Is the dream of having our own princes/princesses then a futile one? It probably is if we constantly put effort into making it a reality.

However, if we just love them for who they are and let love run its destined course then someday we may just wake up and realize that the frog we’ve been aching to turn into a prince/princess has long departed and that our dream prince/princess has already graced our presence.

Love may not be encapsulated in a single kiss just like in the Frog Prince. However, let every kiss be a reminder to trust in a love that takes time but transforms to run its course until we finally be in the midst of royalty.

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