09 November 2012

Quarter Quell

Quarter Quell, the special edition of the Hunger Games that happens every quarter of a century, highlights the premium we put on the 25th year of anything. More commonly referred to as silver anniversaries, they signify a milestone arguably coveted more than the others that have come before it.

This sense of accomplishment entwined with the celebration of 25 years has triggered fear and anxiety as I turn a quarter of a century today. Out of all the birthdays I have had in recent years, this is the one I have made the biggest fuss about. Coincidentally, I have my scheduled quarter life crisis commence today. Kidding!

I know this entry will leave some with eyebrows raised but cannot you just give me this day since it’s my birthday? LOL. Thank you!

I am fearful and anxious of today probably because it represents being in between in a plethora of ways. In between early twenties and late twenties. In between young adult and not-so-young adult. In between finishing studies and starting your career and deciding on and pursuing your chosen career path. In between ‘I have accomplished a lot’ and ‘Yeah, but you still have to prove yourself more.’ In between ‘yeah, let’s live while we’re young’ and ‘yeah, no room for fun and game so let’s grow up and be an adult.’ More than a milestone, it seems that 25 is an infinity of crossroads where making a left or right just leads you right into another crossroad. Hence, a full serving of ‘quarter life crisis,’ the greatest gift to help you find your way out of the labyrinth of crossroads. Not.

At the Brooklyn Bridge last summer
Isn’t it quite fitting that I get to celebrate this crossroads of a birthday in the city dubbed as the crossroads of the world? A (cold and currently buried in snow) city that often dwarves you with its grandiosity and demands nothing but to toughen up and keep up with its world-renowned fast-paced lifestyle. A city that will sometimes make you lonely but always appreciate and feel the love of the significant people in your life. A city that may often give you a harsh dose of reality but also fuels the hope and drive to dream and make those dreams a reality. Ain’t no other place that does those better, huh?

This opportunity to love, hope and chase dreams is where I find the solace that quells the fear and anxiety that a quarter of a century brings. As this year leads me through a labyrinth of crossroads, I will rely on the strength and wisdom that feeds on this love, hope and belief that some dreams do come true. And the best thing? Armed with the same strength and wisdom, I know that it will only get better!

Bethesda Fountain, Central Park
Thus, I shall promise myself that a year from now, I will be able to reminisce and affirm that the quarter life crisis supposedly commencing today has been averted and that year 25’s are really meant to be celebrated since the milestones during the year are just but signals of better things to come!

Here’s to being twenty-five and believing that this year, the odds will ever be in my favor!


  1. Peeta Mellark: I'll make the odds in your favor, my Katniss :">
