24 March 2011

Which Seat Can I Take?

When Rebecca Black’s Friday first came out, I stayed away from the song. I mean it was pretty obvious that the lyrics are kindergarten at best. However, I succumbed last week and now it has annoyingly buried itself in my memory. Oh well, so much for staying away.

Despite it having an annoyingly successful hook, it shall never make up for the fact that the lyrics are utterly stupid – for the lack of a better term. And the lyric that takes the cake would be our entry’s title, “Which seat can I take?”

But haven’t we asked ourselves own brand of seemingly idiotic questions?

Which top should I wear? When nobody in school would even care.

What should I sacrifice this Lent? When you still engage in other vices you dare not give up.

Which charity should I help? When you wash your hands everytime you shake the hands of those you help.

What will I have for myself this year? When most of our countrymen suffer in poverty.

These questions probably aren’t as irrelevant as which seat to take. However, when we’ve asked ourselves and devoted our time to answering questions which shouldn’t have been asked in the first place, haven’t we engaged ourselves in a similarly foolish act?

Moreover, when there’s a greater good that calls us to action, isn’t just lounging in your couch and cursing at Friday’s horrific lyrics just as idiotic as the lyrics asking which seat can you take?

There are a lot more relevant things in the world we could write and care about. We just have to look beyond our own needs and help those who need our help.

Let the one who has committed not this crime of idiocy be the first to cast the stone at Rebecca this Friday.

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