18 March 2011

Since a Tear Fell While Listening to Glee's Get It Right

I’m the ballad kind of guy.

So when the Glee kids had original songs for regionals, I naturally gravitated towards Rachel Berry’s Get It Right. As one fellow blogger put it, the song was really made for Lea Michele to belt out. And she killed it! I actually even teared up by the end. LOL.

Why did I tear up? Probably because I could very well relate to the lyrics. Always with best intentions and good deeds and still I can’t seem to get things right. You’ve probably had similar days don’t you?

However, thinking along the lines of my recent musings, I’ve reaffirmed myself with the fact that despite best intentions and efforts, some things just won’t go your way. But that’s life. It will be unfair sometimes.

But that shouldn’t stop you from pursuing getting things right because you’ve already gotten it right by already doing your best. As long as you continue striving for the good and giving your best, you won’t need to worry whether the outcome is right or wrong. You always get things right if you always pursue the good and do your best.

You always have the capacity to get things right. And you’d probably never get it right if you keep crying over outcomes that are out of your control.

Just as a line in the song, I’ll send out a wish, I’ll send out a prayer that someone will see how much you care. And that someone is you. ☺

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