01 March 2011

Change the World Now or Later? (Turnback Tuesdays)

It's March already! And as a way to start the new month, I'm posting an entry from my insaneimmortal blog. Probably the first one from that blog. I am actually happy with myself since I've become true to my word of helping those who need help now rather than later. To 4A 2007, I was excited to teach you here oh! Excited to don my costumes! LOL. Enjoy as always, my dear reader.

Activities for the semester are really coming to an end. I've received two certificates of appreciation/participation yesterday with two projects I volunteered to be part with this past semester. I also got excited for ANI this coming summer where I'll be teaching senior high school students. I'm going to teach Christian Living siyempre banal ako e haha and the section I'll be handling is the honors class. Yay! At least, I know these kids would really be into the subject since they're cream of the crop. Actually, I'm thinking of preparing well for the summer classes since I love teaching ANI. Oh, I hope JTA schedule does not get in the way or else, it'll be hard for me to let go of handling the honors class. :(

Past week, I've been through sessions regarding our purposes in life. Since most of the talks I went through are those of the social development kind, speakers talked about what we can do with the society. I remember that one of the speakers asked us what we can do for the country. Many said that they'd study well first since after that, they'll have the potential to be successful and therefore, have more power to help the needy. The thought got me thinking 'cause yes it's a decent thing to say but what can that money that you earn in the future do when the person you should have helped died years before you actually reached out? I mean what'll be the purpose of helping if many of the supposed people you should have helped have gone out already? Wouldn't that be more appalling?

Well, the thing that I'm saying here is that it's better to start early in helping others rather than waiting on till you've become successful enough. We can actually do something now in helping the least of our brethren. We should not be hindered by the fact that we are financially incapable yet of creating change in the lives of many. But we don't have to create that much of a change yet. We just need to start creating change to ensure that more people will be helped in time. What do you think would be more effective for a child. One wherein you hone them through their education years and help them develop to their full potential or one wherein the child is already in prison and the only help you could give is financial need? Wouldn't it create more impact and satisfaction if we start changing the world now little by little rather than having it later with one big shebang?

The task is daunting but the rewards would be better if we start early rather than late.

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