03 April 2011

When Everything you have is Nothing

When All You Have is Nothing was supposed to be the title of my nanowrimo entry for 2009. Inspired by Steve Berry novels, it was a suspense thriller about a woman seeking to find nothing but the man who raped her a week before her wedding. She embarks on a vicious voyage where she oft finds herself having nothing as her everything. The novel ends with a revelation that leaves nothing unturned…

Of course, word count = nothing since all of these wrote out perfectly in my head. But I promise flesh it out hopefully in the next few years.

We hate the idea of nothing.

Most often, we associate it with the feeling of powerlessness especially in situations where we believe we could do something. Remember the time you tried to dissuade your friend from falling in love with the wrong person and s/he just didn’t want to listen to you? Or you talked to someone for hours only to seemingly leave like you haven’t really learned anything about him/her? Haven’t these left you irritated especially after doing everything you could?

Actually, you haven’t done everything you could because you haven’t done nothing.

Right now, your thought bubble probably reads: “What in the world is this lunatic thinking?” Nothing you probably ever had.

Some issues or situations are best dealt by doing nothing. Why? Simply for the fact that there’s really nothing we could do about them. People won’t listen if they don’t want to listen. They won’t be impressed if they don’t want to be impressed. Things won’t change if they aren’t meant to change at that moment. Thus, no matter what you do, you’ll just get a whole lot of nothing. Thus, why can’t we just do nothing so that we won’t waste our time and effort over something we have really nothing to do about.

Doing nothing about certain situations seems unwise and counterintuitive. But, if it calls for us to do so then it’s everything the situation needs at that moment. Just breathe and tell yourself that at that moment, all you have is nothing. And that ain’t a bad thing!

1 comment:

  1. finish your novel this next NaNoWriMo year, kuya au! parang ang exciting makita!
