28 February 2011

I just want ordinary, corrupt human love.

source: Eloisa Recio
Strip off all the kisses, the hearts and all the romantic relations that come with the word love. And what is left but love in its rawest form. Borrowing Graham Greene’s The End of the Affair, isn’t it just ordinary, corrupt human love?

And that’s what all the fuss is about? Is that all we want and get?

At times, we may have uttered the title of this entry to ourselves and screamed it to the world especially if you haven’t been in a relationship for quite a long time and you’re desperate to have one. I don’t blame you. Being constantly bombarded and probably battered by a romanticized image of love gets even to the best of us sometimes. Such occasional slips of judgment is alright as long as we snap out of it and strive for something greater than this crude kind of love.

Being human, our primal brand of love is well…human. Ordinary, corruptible and conditional. This is perfectly fine since we were created this way. The beauty in being human though is that we have born in a world where deeper levels of love exist and thrive, as I would like to believe. More importantly, we have also the capacity to go beyond this primal brand of love and seek a deeper kind of love. The synergy of which is a deeper kind of love, one that is unique, incorruptible, and most of all, unconditional. Consummate to sum it in a word. Certainly not just a love of oneself and one’s partner but also a love of the world that has showed us what loving means.

Living in a world where the primal form of love is ordinary, you might find yourself digressing from our goal more often than you would want. Yet being led astray is part of a process that is primarily human. Thus, when you get sidetracked, always remember that you’re a being towards a consummate kind of love you’ve always been capable of.

Will it be difficult?

At times, seemingly impossible.

Is it worth it?

You decide.


  1. Ako rin I want ordinary corrupt human love. Chos! :)) yeah, we naturally gravitate towards the good daw kasi sabi sa theo! hahaa :) hi kuya Tan. I love reading your postsss!! :) keep up the good work!!!

  2. Hindi kasi yun yung point nung post 'di ba? LOL.

    Yeah I agree with theo on that point though reality seems contrary.

    Thanks Berns for the compliment and the comment! :p
