24 February 2011

The Most Potent

Images and words are most powerful and heartfelt in their most original and rawest form.

If you want to convey the image or phrase that captures the essence of what you want to say or how you really feel, tell it in your own words or through your own images. No rehash, reblog or copy-paste would ever encapsulate your present feelings more than your own.

Just say what you want to say without overthinking or using highfaluting words. Some things are best said in the simplest and most spontaneous of manners.

Now, I want you to tell somebody something you’ve always meant to tell but you couldn’t because you didn’t have the courage to say in your own words. It might be frightening and you’ll probably need practice but I assure you that telling him or her would be worth it.

Disclaimer: Do not expect dramatic results. You don’t need them. What you should expect and hope for is a reciprocal of your originality and rawness. Ain’t that something you’d want to receive as well?

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