07 February 2011

We are Never Too Young

I don’t think God or the universe has made it clearer for me to do or be something than the events that have transpired the past weekend, our college leadership camp on physical and spiritual wellness and losing one of my high school classmates to cardiac arrest.

More than the obvious appeal to become more well, the weekend reminded me not to take anybody special for granted for I may never have the time I think I have to make them feel how special they are to me.

Show them just how special they make you feel and make every moment count. We are never too young to live today. We are never too young to love today.

Darryl, I heard you’ve become a video-editing expert while you pursued being a doctor. Now that you’re happily with Him, pray for us that we edit and heal ourselves. You will sorely be missed. Until we meet again!

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