17 February 2011

An ANTM Approach

Before I begin, please keep in mind that this entry was born out of the stratplan even though it does not look like it by the end.

Midway through the stratplan, Sir Joseph, our facilitator, asked us to think of ourselves as an individual we look up to and imagine what they would do to solve the organization’s financial challenges. I initially had a difficult time imagining anybody until somebody came to mind. To which I giggled.

Who was it?

None other than the fierce and fabulous smize queen herself, Tyra Banks!

Sidenote: 1) the gaydar just went ding-ding-ding and exploded into a merriment of rainbows and unicorns to Lady Gaga’s Born This Way and 2) ANTM has had way too much fierce and fab influence on my life but the hell do I actually care, matter of fact, see photos below

 mere understatement

Much kidding aside, since I wanted to maintain the solemnity of the stratplan, I decided to take the more serious road and went with my long-time all-time hero, my dad. Though it did not create as much hilarity as it would have if I pursued my initial individual, I do not regret such decision especially that I was able to share how awesome my father is.

If ever there’s one thing I remember from such exercise, it’s the notion that problems are usually solved more easily if you go beyond the mindset that created it in the first place. Thinking how other people, not necessarily our idols, would deal with the issue opens us to other perspectives. This may lead us to insights that might just be the solution to something that has bothered us for so long.

As Tyra would probably advice her aspiring minion of models, my dear reader, channel different characters so that you may deliver what the shoot demands of you. You may have a signature look, which may carry you through a few shoots, but it won’t get you anywhere near first callout and eventually being the top model you’re meant to be.

Be a chameleon and be a fierce and fabulous one!


  1. You're look is too commercial. Sorry. - Nigel

  2. Okay if that's what you think but that ain't stoppin' me!
