15 February 2011

Through Sun-kissed Hazel Eyes

Turnback Tuesdays will be a little different today since I feel that I may have been shortchanging you my dear reader lately with the lack of decent entries. But we still begin with a short entry I wrote in my tabulas blog back in May 2005 which simply read:

Mahirap maging temporary. (It’s difficult being temporary.)

As far as I could remember, I wrote it upon realization that the relationship I had then was temporary. For Teenage Tan, given his affinity for pain and drama, it was probably something that even made him cry right after he posted it on the internet. Who wants temporary, anyway?

Though this advice is five and a half years late, I’d tell him that some relationships are meant to be temporary. Otherwise, we would never have the chance to be in the permanent relationship we’re meant to have because we have settled for something meant to just be temporary.

Such advice is an application of a technique I recently learned through a blog I frequent. Re-framing or as I understand it, looking at things from another perspective most often brighter.

Misfortune and suffering are established staples in life. But they are both essential so that we may grow and live. The mundane and heart-rending won’t be as glum and tragic as they are if only we look at them from a more optimistic point of view. If we just re-frame them into something that motivates us to become a better individual.

An example. After a breakup, one would probably bawl over what did s/he do wrong aside from loving him/her so much. A definite recipe for disaster. However, enter re-framing and s/he could probably say that s/he loved him/her so much the time they were together and that was mighty fine. But people come and go so that we stride closer to the one meant for us. And it was his/her time to go.

See the wonders of re-framing, eh?

As the popular saying goes, every cloud has its silver lining. And we won’t be able to discover them if we don’t put our sun-kissed hazel eyes to its optimal optimist use.

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