20 February 2011

A Painful Pain Relief

As promised, we end the week with pain. LOL.

source: ralfnavales.multiply.com
Remember the last time you felt pain. Whether it was heartbreak, death, failure, disappointment, anguish, or even just being punched, slapped, kicked, hit or bit by somebody.

Didn’t you want to retaliate against the person/people who caused you pain? Didn’t something in you wish that such event just happened to others instead? Or didn’t you just wish that such even happened to anybody, even to hapless strangers, just to relieve the pain?

If you said yes, that’s normal. As individuals programmed to despise and immediately eradicate pain at all costs, instinct sometimes lets us cope with pain by wishing others to feel the pain we feel. Often we desire either a worse kind or a pain displacement from us to them.

Feeling guilty now? For me, you shouldn’t be if it remains instantaneous and instinctual. As biological beings, we ought to be averse to pain. However, if it something that goes beyond instinct, then you should probably rethink how you deal with pain.

Nobody has the right to inflict any kind of pain on anybody just because s/he’s experiencing pain. Wishing others ill or even hurting them would not rid the pain you’re going through. Sure it may temporarily relieve yours but you just created more pain that may eventually lead back to cause you more pain.

Just as you don’t put out fire by burning your neighbor’s house, you cannot rid pain by generating pain for others.

Thus, when reason kicks in, deal with your pain as best as you can and avoid creating more pain for others unless really, really, really necessary. (This will be tackled in tomorrow’s entry.)

The world has seen enough pain and suffering. It’s time to stop the pain that stops not only you but them as well.

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