10 February 2011

Even Brighter than the Moon, Moon, Moon

There are times in life when we hit rock bottom. But there are times when life hits us even harder and vanquishes us into the inescapable darkness.

For me, that occurred around four years ago. I was weathering a tough time in my life. Sometimes, I even found myself on the verge of losing the battle to my then suicidal tendencies. I remember how occasionally the pain inside was so bad I had to constantly hit my thighs to ease it. Yeah, it was that excruciating.

When you’re in such state, you’d feel as if the pain shall last forever and that nothing could ever ease it no matter how hard anyone tries. And so you trap yourself in the inescapable pitch-black room of gloom with only suicide looking like the most viable solution.

But that shouldn’t be the case. Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. And you won’t need to suffer in the dark if you just ignite the light. (Yes, this entry is inspired by Katy Perry’s Firework)

The only person who could let you out of that room of gloom is you. You’re never going to make it out unless you let happiness from within shine and overpower the suffering. If you ignite that light in you and let it ease the pain, then you’d be able to lead yourself out of the darkness you’ve so been used to for so long.

It won’t be as easy though as singing Firework. It took me around two years to escape. However, you could definitely do so much better than that. If ever there’s one advice I’d like to leave, you just got to keep that spark of happiness in you alight and own your night.

And when you’ve escaped that room of gloom, go boom, boom, boom, and be even brighter than the moon, moon, moon!

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