02 February 2011

If you just said it before...

I would have believed your insight more.

On the way home tonight, I reflected on an entry I came across a few days ago on tumblr. In a gist, the author compared previous and current posts, realized how happier he is right now and advised those who follow him to live the life and be happy as well.

I wanted to tell him that yeah that advice seems real to you now that you’re happy. But would you have said that at the time you said that you were depressed? I would not think so. (A product of me recently channeling the black swan as I’d like to call it.)

The reason I’m quite unmoved by such statement is that he said it at a time wherein it’s expected of him to say it. Sometimes, it’s not just about what we say and how we say it but when we say it as well. Statements uttered during moments they seem unexpected or forbidden are often more meaningful than those which are uttered in moments where they are expected to be uttered. Words seem emptier and less forceful.

Thus, speak the truth especially when it seems unspeakable or counterintuitive for it renders words more powerful and longer lasting.

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