01 February 2011

Can't spoil it for you. You have to wait and see (Turnback Tuesdays)

We begin February with an entry I wrote in June 2005. If you are disinterested about my life at that time, you may skip to the 3rd paragraph. I won't mind. You know how I tend to write verbose and this one's just one of the many which proves it very much. Enjoy! 

This is the first college weekend which has me drowning in stuff to do for the next week. Well, i've got 2 botany reports to make and i have to know my japanese lessons by heart. Gosh, now i want my math subject back. Haha. No, i'm sticking with my japanese classes. It's much more tolerable to have fun with a new language than to have "fun" with numbers and formulas. Formulas and numbers which have bugged me through my high school life. Grarg. But i'll be meeting them for one last time, i hope, next summer. By then, i'd be lost in those formulas again. Lord, help me remember my high school math.

It's such a bummer that Marlo will be leaving in a week for Canada. I'll relly miss him because he has provided me a lot of inspiration, heart and...gossip. Haha kidding. The Philippines will soon be losing someone great once again. Well, i know we'll be seeing one another once again in the future because we're aiming for the same career path and that is biologocal research. We're excited about discovering the elixir of life, ain't it Marlo? haha.

Yesterday we watched Big Fish for literature. Well, we're not yet done with the film but thoughts have already played in my mind. Shucks, i should've watched it last summer because it was shown for the TD kids but i had to figure out a way to have my merienda back for the kids. Long story there but to cut it short, the kids got to have the merienda the next day. Haha. Well, as i said, some thoughts. Actually only one about knowing the end of something.

Well there are always pros and cons about things. A good thing bout knowing the end is that you'll know that something which pops up won't really end the thing you are doing. Let's take what the film uses as an example, life. If you know when you are going to die, then you'll know that things which will come your way will just hurt you and not kill you. It will give you the courage to face your worst fears and do certain heroic acts which are a big incentive for someone wanting to be idolized by many.

But i believe that knowing the end is trash. Well, the saying begin with the end in mind doesn't assure us of knowing the end for that something because we are only striving for something and we still do not know if we will achieve our goal. Knowing the end is trash because it takes out the spice of life that is not knowing the future holds for us. Sure we won't have the courage to face something because we know that it won't kill us but that courage could be dug from somewhere within us and we could still be heroic without knowing what will happen to us. As proof, there are many heroes we've idolized and none of them knew there end. Well, except for those sentenced to death but that's another thing.

Life is meant to be lived without us knowing what the future holds for us. It is that aspect of life which makes it exciting and worth living. I love the spontaneity that life brings us. It makes us up on our feet and anticipate whatever it brings. There'll be hard breaks, that's a part of it. But everything else is worth something to live for.

Live life. Love life. Never fear death.

(I hope that i can have this attitude.)

Five years later, I'm still a work in progress in terms of this but hey, I know I've made leaps and bounds!

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