18 February 2011

A Simple Truth We Often Overlook

After the craziness of an entry yesterday, here’s a simple one.

Here I am trying to rack my brains for something worth writing. And a random self-blurb online unravels the simplest and probably most poignant yet most overlooked of truths.

Everything is good and beautiful.

It might be something hard to believe in the gray kind of world we have today. A world where the terrible and the traumatic seem to terrorize us into fear and depression. But that’s the challenge, my dear reader.

Even in the darkest of nights or the evilest of creatures lies something good and beautiful. We just have to look hard enough and appreciate them.

Channel the innocence of a child if you have a difficult time. Didn’t the world seem one big ball of kindness and love when we were young? You might just need to believe and trust a little more in the universe in order that you may see the goodness that eludes you.

Everything is good and beautiful. We just have to go beyond our human minds and hearts to grasp such simple truth and become grateful for the world we live in.

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