16 February 2011

Don't Forget the Biggie

Last February 4, the office had our long overdue strategic planning. The first thing that struck me was a very simple two words, which have often been said, but I have too often neglected or forgotten.

Think Big.

I’ve often forgotten such mindset because my work often ties me to the daily grind where constraints and consequences reign and cloud the grander vision. And to think that I’m fancy and grandiose when it comes to things that matter to me.

Thus, let today be a reminder of our capacity to dream big. To think big.

Today, let your mind and self free to roam the globe in its entirety. Think of a world of limitless possibilities and harmless consequences. Imagine what the ideal is for you and write it down before it flies away!

Afterwards, imagine the journey, the steps you should take to reach the ideal. And as the ideal becomes closer to reality with the consciousness of insurmountable challenges and release of the pieces of the ideal that you need to let go. Don’t worry about those since it’s normal. As long as a part of the ideal remains and the balance between the ideal and real is maintained, then you’re perfectly fine. Again, write it down. Heck, even put in a tarp so that you’ll always be reminded of your goal.

Now, it’s time to live that shazzam of your ideal out! Yes, it would be difficult and may seem almost impossible at some points. But always keep your eye on the prize by revisiting your ideal and letting yourself think and dream big; just like how you did when you began your journey.

Anything is possible if we dream big.

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