22 February 2011

Rant of the Anti-Social Bitch (Turnback Tuesdays)

We return to regular Turnback Tuesdays programming and here's a treat of the usual anti-social Tan circa 2005! Don't worry, 2011 Tan has mellowed already :p I actually miss That's So Raven! The episode I share here was probably one of my most favorite of all time. Anyway, have fun as always!

I watched That's So Raven yesterday and the episode was about Raven and a fashion show. Her vision had her walking the catwalk and all the attention of the audience was with her. But when reality set in, she thought her vision won't come true because the only way she would was if she were size two. Crestfallen, she goes to the fashion show and meets a make-up artist there who then admired Raven for her fighting spirit but she was disappointed with Raven backing out. In the end, Raven fulfills her vision and represents for all the regular people out there.

There is one line from Raven which says what the episode was all about, "That may be THE look but that is not the only look." It just screams how people nowadays think that there is only one "in" thing but in reality it's just one in a billion of options of how to live life. That may be THE lifestyle for most but that is not the only lifestyle the world has to offer. And who says that THAT is the perfect lifestyle one should live. Each one has got his or her own opinion of how one should live life and i believe that it is up to the person what lifestyle suits him or her.

I think most of society may be for one kind of lifestyle and that is always being cool and in but that isn't the case for everyone. Some prefer a lifestyle which tackles not the in and cool but what really matters. After all, the things we essentially need almost always aren't found with the shallowness fads and in things offer. I really hope that society's cravings for in things will disappear in the future and may they realize that essential things are almost never found in these things.

I sympathize with the people who have often been teased and criticized for being unique and "uncool" because i have gone and am going through the same experience. But the hell do i care about society's view on cool and whatever bullshit. I mean so what if you're considered cool by other people? I mean would God care if you are cool when judgment day comes? Think about it.

Finally, i would like to put up a line from Christina Aguilera's Beautiful. I love this song because it establishes that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Say whatever you want and Do whatever you want even if other people regard you as weird. The hell do you care about their view. What is important is how you become satisfied with yourself.

"We're the song inside the tune, full of beautiful mistakes..."

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