08 February 2011

Shortest Straw (Turnback Tuesdays)

Given the recent turn of events, I had an entry in mind for our weekly TT. However, I've posted the entry last week. So I chose another one from my tabulas blog that still follows my current mood.

well, day started out a little rough for me coz i was late for my class. hehe. im really sorry i just woke up late. anyway, i taught then went to samboy to catch a glimpse of the amazing race hehe. tar just rocks. after that went to gateway and stayed there until around 5. then we headed to kamirori for sean's despedida. aww, my fellow reality tv freak is leaving for the states. we will surely miss you!

I remember one class back in third year where i felt that God was playing me. Well, there was this seatwork where i knew all of the answers except for one number. I mean gladly raised my hand early on so that i won't be called for that number. I think it was twelfth in a 20 item seatwork. But the numbers just kept creeping towards number twelve and finally the horror became reality. I got called to answer number twelve. God. I felt so cheated back then. Well, i got the wrong answer and i felt bad. haha talk about being shallow but i really wanted to impress eh. It was in the first few weeks of classes.

Well, moral of the anecdote, prepare for the worst. haha. it's sorta not like that but it somewhat says that. i mean sometimes the you think of scenarios that would most likely happen and there's always this one which you'll be most miserable after that scenario. You'd think that it's just in movies tht the worst case happens and it rarely does in real life. But truth be told, it often happens. I mean just something bad happening to you is the worst thing which could happen to you. get it? Haha. Well, maybe it's not always the worst, i mean that person should be so unlucky then if he always gets the shortest straw.

i believe that He's not playing tricks on us. He really wants us to get the shortest straw sometimes. It's really not a bad thing come to think of it. Well for me it's not coz i believe that God won't give us something He knows we couldn't handle. I mean why would He manipulate all of these events so that we could get the shortest straw if it's for nothing. (Well, it sounds bad but when you replace it with good events this becomes all the more good, hehe) God always wants us to learn from these things. He wants us to experience the worst so that we could get something from it and turn ourselves into the best people we could be.

Everything happens for a reason.

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