31 January 2011

An irrational fear of the irrational

Buyology made me realize that no matter how much we try to be rational and purge the irrational, the latter always finds its way to influence us to a degree we often not admit to ourselves.

As much as we think about the pros and cons of the many shampoo or juice drink or ice cream or whatever brands, at the end of the day, we are still influenced by what we like or what we dislike. Unconsciously, we sometimes even prolong rationalizing in order to mask the simple, irrational decision that we actually make in the end. At the end of the day, pros, cons and prices are just thrown out the window and only our penchant for the product we buy remains.

If the unconscious influences us more than we’d want to admit, then where does this irrational fear of the irrational come from?

Maybe from societal fear of human irrationality? From our own fear of a world governed not by the rational but the irrational? Or just maybe from our very own fear of our own id, our own unconsciousness? And if we have an irrational fear of our so-called id, then does it mean that we fear such part of ourselves?

Before I cause you a headache, that was actually just something I wanted to throw out in the open for us to occasionally think about in the hope that we eventually become masters of ourselves. Which includes transcending our irrational fear of the irrational, by the way.

No matter what the answer is, a part of us will always be irrational. Remaining in fear of it would not get us anywhere but admitting and realizing its influence would help us understand ourselves.

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