07 January 2011

Best Intentions

Before anything else, I’d just like to share that I’ve finished reading The Emperor’s Tomb by Steve Berry! The intricacies of the character dynamics surely made up for the lack of the sleuthing I loved in the previous novels. Nonetheless, another job well done, my favorite author!

On to regular programming, folks. Here’s a quote I remember from Jurassic Park III. Yes I know, a rather unique quote source but just please forgive the fanatic to indulge. It was uttered by Dr. Grant after he discovered that Billy, his loyal assistant, stole raptor eggs. Billy said that he only had the best intentions when he did it to which Dr. Grant replied:

“Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with best intentions.”

We always believe that we do things with the best of intentions. Of course, at such point in time, our perception of a situation’s need seems the best we have for the situation at hand. However, as the quote reveals, our supposed best intentions do not always lead to the best of results. It sometimes even produces the worst possible outcome we could have.

Before acting on our best intentions, we should probably ask ourselves if the action we’d pursue would lead to a favorable outcome. Sometimes, intentions seem best just because they are best in terms of self-interest. We might as well think if the intentions we do have are the best for the situation or if they’re just best for our own good.

There’s nothing wrong with having the best intentions. We just have to think and rethink whether they are indeed the best.

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