05 January 2011

On 2011 Resolutions

Here’s my brief yearender as promised.

Coming off the heels of a topsy turvy 2009, the year 2010 was characterized by stability and individual growth. Aside from occasional work-related highs and lows, I could honestly say that it was smooth sailing in all other aspects of my life. Except for the non-existent love life if ever you wondered, dear reader. Haha.

Kidding aside, I remember several times last year when I’d think about my life and be grateful for the stability and serenity I was experiencing at that moment. Though there were occasional issues and challenges, none caused enough turmoil to stir the pot. And knowing the huge changes that shall be coming this year, I’m especially grateful to experience such stability the past year.

Looking back at my resolutions which mostly focused on life management (especially time), I could say that I’ve done enough this year. Though there were still weeks and days when the stress was still high, I have managed my workload better and have accomplished a lot more in the past year. I have also given myself more “me time” this year. A rather important development, I suppose. Since I have allotted more time for myself, I’ve had the opportunity to rest well and engage in leisurely activities. Therefore, I was more productive in other aspects of my life. On a side note, one of my proudest leisurely achievements this year would be my 82-page Social Psychology notes. ☺

For 2011, I have three things I want to do:

1. Manage my life better and become surer about myself, my wants and needs
2. Become even more grateful for all the blessings I shall receive especially the people who will make my 2011 a memorable one
3. DETOX! Continuing the “me time” I discovered last year, I’d like to take such resolution to the next level and banner it as my 2011 mantra!

Hopefully, when I look back come January 2012, I’d be able to pat myself on the back and tell myself, “Life just always gets better!”

DETOX 2011, here we go!

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