09 January 2011

Breezing through Bejeweled

Bejeweled 2 has been my iPhone pastime. Before, I could only reach the seventh level and get stuck there until my luck ran out. Recently, I’ve surprised myself with my ease of getting to level nine of its Arcade mode. Level seven is a breeze. But of course, there were a lot of times when my luck ran out just at level two. Can you imagine that!

I attribute my success to the countless hours of my crazed and eye-straining jewel swaps. My experience with the classic level especially helped since I honed my skills in quickly spotting a swappable pair. My Bejeweled spectacle has now paid off and hopefully, I’d be able to progress much more. I’m actually thinking of buying the Bejeweled 3 from the Mac App Store but it’s $20. I’m not sure if I’m ready to shell out that amount since I’m used to just $3-4 for the iPhone. Anyway, I’ll decide on it sometime soon.

You might be wondering what the hell is Bejeweled’s significance in my life? Well, this recent jewel-swapping skill improvement just validates how countless hours of practice powers us to become better and even the best at something. Success most often comes only to those who are willing to toil for hours, months and years. And only those who do so can indeed taste the sweetness of success.

Deviating a little bit more, another thing we could get from my little leisure would be experience being the greatest teacher. Over time, we get better as individuals through experience. Whatever challenges and difficulties we experience today, remember that all of these would make us better and more adept in living the life we’re meant to live. We must endure countless level seven and even level two failures to eventually breeze through level seven and face the toughness that level 10 has for us. Challenges do become easier to handle and aside from default difficulties, things do get better.

Try and try until you reach level ten and beyond as a cliché derivative would go.

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