22 January 2011

Deafinitely Listening?

We’re so used to multimedia nowadays. And I mean the ultimate multi in multimedia. Case and point, people who watch a video online while listening to the latest Katy Perry song on their music player still while chatting with a friend. Thus, most of what we share with our friends sometimes fall on deaf ears. And it’s not because they don’t have time but because they just don’t really listen.

Being used to such situation, are we really able to listen to others nowadays?

Often, we are advised to become conscious of what we say and how we say it. People may misinterpret an innocent jab for a verbal attack if we aren’t careful with how we say things.
But a conversation isn’t just about the talker and his/her talk, right? It’s also about the listener listening. Thus, just as much as we are conscious of how we talk, we should probably be conscious as well of how we listen to other people. Like right now, how you’ll hear me out with this entry of mine while listening to that tune of yours. Drop it for now, please! Thank you!

In order to really listen, begin by giving attention to your speaker. You won’t be able to take in whatever your friend says without giving him/her your 100% attention. Your tune can definitely wait. Your friend, however, may not.

Aside from the attention, listen sensitively not only to what you can hear but also to what you may not be able to hear. A huge percentage of communication involves non-verbal cues. What you may be listening to may not exactly be what your speaker may want you to hear. Observe your speaker and use your other senses to hear not just what is heard but what should be heard.

With the multi in multimedia being driven to the hilt, listening seems well to be a challenge nowadays. However, if you open yourself and become more sensitive about what other people say then such plea to listen would not fall on deaf ears anymore.

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