07 August 2011

One Time Only

Just one night
With the American Idol Live Tour coming in September and Adele’s songs getting more airtime here in the country, I have my hopes up that Adele will hold a concert here in Manila sometime soon. Of course, you can dismiss it as merely an illusory correlation resulting in delusion. However, I’d really do anything just to watch her live here since it’s probably going to be a rare or even a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Just this time. This will only happen once. One time only. This will never happen again. *Insert other permutations of such thought*

Don’t we always use such reason to explain ourselves for doing deviant deeds? By deviant, I’m referring to both positive and negative experiences.

Certainly, I have no qualms with the positive deviance. Matter of fact, I hope that we seldom use this explanation for the good deeds that we do. May the first little good deed that we do today become a habit.

For negative deviance though, such act becoming a habit is exactly the reason I suggest that we veer away from such negatively deviant actions. Performing a negatively deviant act for the first time and feeling positive afterwards almost always leads to a repeat of the act. Think of testing waters and eventually swimming for hours after you’ve enjoyed the initial dip.

Actually, the danger of such act becoming a habit is just a secondary issue. I think the prime issue here is that the fact that you’ll only do it for one or a few times means the act will become right in itself. A wrong act will always be a wrong act even if you do it only for a single time.

Thus, the next time you contemplate on doing a negatively deviant act, remember that rarity and experimentation does not render a wrong act right. But as long as you think you're doing something right, then go and enjoy that moment even if it's for one time only :)

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