09 August 2011

Commuter personality (Turnback Tuesdays)

If you know me personally, you're probably aware that I don't drive even if I have the license. Here's a little entry from January 2007 providing some insight as to why I prefer to commute. Toodles!

While I was squished by all those other commuters in the MRT and after a fleeting moment looking at the ceiling of the MRT, I realized a possible revelation to my personality. My commuter personality. Well, I've realized that I've been too into commuting ever since I started a year and a half ago. I've been provided with chances to drive on my own to school or wherever place but I've always chosen to just commute and be on my own. And I guess it shows a part of me which might be already prominent to other people.

Well, in commuting, you're drowned out by the sea of commuters you're with. To the world, you're just another commuter going through his or her day, trying to get home. You do not like hold a distinct identity as represented by your car. Since you're riding different jeeps, buses or MRTs then you're masked by the vehicle you're in for just that time and you don't hold that identity for many days. Once you've gone down, then you're not part of that anymore. Also, when some accident happens, then you're not the one who's mainly responsible. And I know how people react with car mishaps especially with the driving skills that my grandfather possesses. Trust me, such an ugly sight.

So how does commuting relate much to my personality? Well, I really like anonymity. I've told this before back in first week first year high school that I'm a silent worker. I really don't want to be recognized for accomplishing something. I just want to get there and finish what I have to do and that's it. If ever there'll be recognition, then thank you but I'm not going to focus the limelight much upon me. Also, with regards to mishaps, I really hate confrontations. I'm not good with them as I'm not that bold in dealing with such occurrences. I'd rather find other ways to fix the situation than confront somebody outright. Of course, when provoked and when it's ultimately necessary, then I confront the person who has done me wrong.

Well, commuting does indeed jive with my personality and I'm going to discover more things about myself with more commuting experiences. As you can see, much of the entries in this journal have taken their inspiration from encounters I had while I was commuting. It's encountering the real world full blast kasi eh. So I really advise it especially to those who want adventure and discovery!

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