24 August 2011

The Need to Dream (Whatchathink Wednesdays)

To celebrate the 100th entry for 2011, we begin Whatchathink Wednesdays. (WTHW)

What is WTHW?

Well, I’ve always wanted this site to be a haven where readers can send in their own issues, stories or musings either for a piece of advice or insight or the simple pleasure of sharing it with the world.

You can send in your thoughts through the following:

Tweet/DM via twitter: koreokei
Ask via tumblr: koreoke
Message via FB: Personal FB page
E-mail via kangelesiv@gmail.com

Our first WTHW comes from Bernadee Uy who sent in her question via Facebook two weeks ago. It read:

Accdg to the businessman in the Little Prince: "As for me, I am concerned with matters of consequence. There is no time for idle dreaming in my life."

What do you think of this statement? joke, parang thesis =))) actually gusto ko lang malaman, what do you think are matters of consequence. and siguro yun nga, what does it mean to "idly dream"?

As she said in her original message, this seemed like a question for a Philosophy orals exam at first glance. Thus, I read up a bit on the Little Prince and the character of this businessman for the context of the statement.

I think being concerned with matters of consequence pertain to the present. The businessman advocates for living in the present and against spending time to dream of the future.

Though he may have a point, I believe that we should leave time to dream. We’re constantly hounded by our daily concerns that we often leave ourselves no time to dream and think of the future. We become shortsighted, tied down and worn out by the humdrums.

Thus, we need to dream. All the more nowadays where thinking that life’s just about getting everyday seems easier with the trivialities and the distractions that bombard us.

let me idly dream!
We need to dream in order that we see beyond the day, its consequences, distractions, and trivialities. We need to dream in order that we glimpse the life we’re meant to live, aspire for it, work for it and eventually, live it. At that time, matters of consequence probably won’t seem that much of a concern.

We only live once. Make the most out of it and live well. And begin that with a dream.

Hope that answers your series of questions, Berns!

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