25 August 2011

Innocence is Super Bass Bliss

I’ve recently been crazy listening to Nicki Minaj’s Super Bass. Who wouldn’t? The catchy melody and playful lyrics invite you to lose yourself in four minutes of sugary sweet bliss.

Personally, the song resonates childplay for me. It whirls me into the carefree eight year old that I was a decade and a half ago who delighted in afternoon street games with the neighbors, cheated summer afternoon naps, indulged in chocolate and candies, threw tantrums to avoid eating vegetables and bullied my toddler brother. Who doesn’t want to be that carefree again, right? To think, we wanted to hurry into adolescence back then.

I realized though that save for the afternoon street games and a more civilized version of avoiding eating vegetables, that kid still lives inside me.

Let me be two again
Maybe we need to bring that kid out sometimes especially now where the so-called real world has fully revealed fairies and fangs to us. No, I’m not asking you to suddenly throw tantrums like a four year old. Not those immature and childish antics. What I meant was for us to relive the innocence we had as a child. The kind of innocence that trusts, loves and hopes despite the imperfections that happen in our lives.

We need such innocence once more especially in an often harsh and glum world. Now, can’t you hear that boom ba doom doom boom ba doom doom bass? Yeah, that’s the super bass of your inner child wanting to run away and have glee and innocence come the world’s way.

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