02 August 2011

Almost Accident (Turnback Tuesdays)

Though this entry was written back in January 2007, it echoes something I've tried to recently emphasize in my life. What is it? You just have to read through it though you can skip the second paragraph since it just expounds on the first paragraph. Toodles!

On my way home today, I almost got killed.

Well, I was walking home from Marquinton 'cause I did some homework there. When I reached the only intersection I needed to cross, I was confident that I won't encounter any mishaps 'cause the timing seemed perfect. The signal said go and there weren't too many cars. Only one thing kinda blemished the perfect scenario. Cars blocked the pedestrian crossing. Because of this, I was forced to cross some meter away from the crossing. And then the almost-accident happened. This van hid the view of the other side of the street so I couldn't see if any car was approaching. Walking with momentum from confidence of the seemingly perfect situation, I walked past the van and suddenly, headlights blinded me. I immediately halted and almost lost balance because of shock from the fact that a car almost hit me. For a moment, this eerie, tingling sensation ran through every nerve. I was caught off-guard. After the brief moment of shock, I continued on walking and realized how close I was to knocking on heaven's door. If I took another step or two then this entry wouldn't have been put up and i wouldn't have finished my theology paper for tomorrow. Sheesh, short-term goals lang talaga ang nilagay. Haha.

So why am I writing about this? It's because I've felt the presence of God at that moment. Naks, tumetheo! Seriously, the thing that first popped in my head was how good God was in sparing my life for that moment. Grabe, I could've just been easily trampled by that car but some force or someone held me back. Held me back so that I can continue on with my life. It's these instances that make you see why we should cherish life. It's a precious gift that we should take full use of. And so I remember of the times I tried to break free from my own life by attempting suicide. Pero tapos na iyon. I've told myself to not attempt that anymore. Yes, I still feel bad about my life sometimes but I've promised myself not to resort to that anymore. Cool right?

I've already encountered a handful of near-death experiences in my life. There was the almost terminal stage bout with dengue, the almost car plunging into the sea on our way home from Bicol and the almost fatal crash tricycle ride one school morning. In these times, I could've just been killed in an instant. Well, except for the dengue one. But it seems that God wants me to be here. It seems that He's just trying to somewhat remind me that death is inevitable. There will come a time that I might just collide head on with a car or something. So to avoid regretting and not finishing the things to be done, He reminds me to cherish the life He has given me and make good use of it. And with that, He assures us that we'll always feel His presence whenever he deems we need to feel it like when we stray or cherish the wrong things. God cares for us. Whatever experiences we have in the future, whether they may be near-death or just an ordinary one, we should trust that the outcome is the one best for us and it's all according to a greater plan. His plan.

Human life is very fragile. One swift of blade, one gunshot, one explosion, one skid of tires, one severe allergic reaction and it could all be gone. Love life and live life.

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