05 December 2010

Want to Know One of Fashion's Best-Kept Secrets?

It’s the helmet!

Haven’t you noticed? A lot of people wear it! They wear the helmet for comfort and protection. Even if that same comfort and protection sometimes causes them the misery they have lately been wallowing in.

Despite the misery they experience, their friends’ advice (and sometimes even desperate pleas), and the obviousness of a situation’s consequences and solution, but helmets still cling to the status quo and refuse to initiate much needed change to situation. They choose to linger in such state. Thus, the perpetuation of a depressing cycle of disillusionment, distress, disobedience, desperation, denial and despair.

Such situation would actually be fair and tolerable if only the helmeted people suffer because quite frankly, they deserve it. But it becomes unfair and intolerable when friends and family get sucked into the sorrow.

You try to help a helmet by hearing their story out, comforting them and giving them the most plausible advice only for them to shoot you down and throw all reason out the window. And sometimes, it’s them who ask for advice! It gets frustrating and tiring, you know!

The only advice I could give helmets is for them to remove their helmet and really listen. Your friends may give you the best advice in the world and may try to yank your helmet off just so you could listen. But all these would not work if you don’t remove your helmet yourself. It may seem difficult at first, but trust me, it’s painless and serves as the initial step towards liberating yourself from the people/things that constantly keep you down.

Trust me. I was a helmet two years ago.

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