14 December 2010

In Response to Monch's 08/07/06 entry (Turnback Tuesday)

From now on, Blast from the Past entries shall be posted on Tuesdays and shall now be known as Turnback Tuesday. For this week, I decided to borrow an entry from my livejournal. One of the few pearls in a sea of rants and suicidal messages. Forgive me if I cannot properly cite my sources for this entry. I cannot remember Monch's circa 2006 blogsite anymore. Anyway, enjoy!

I wanted to comment on his entry but i just could not limit myself to posting a mere comment. Here's the excerpt:

I’m just beginning to ask myself: is there a limit in loving (or at least infatuation)? I guess when we push ourselves too much, when we give it our all and when we just don’t suppress that feeling even if it has to be suppressed, we may think that the limit does not exist. But then, we realize after some time that there is a limit to such foolishness. We realize a lot of new things about the other party, we learn new stuff, we get to know each other better, we get involved in a lot of petty pointless fights, we feel the bitterness, we feel the pain, we experience the pain. And after all these, we get tired that we simply just want to forget everything and leave it all behind.

In my opinion, loving someone does not know any limits. Foolish acts and foolish things at they may seem, these are but just manifestations of that kind of love you ought to give. The realizations and pain are parts of the process that we get involved in once we decide to create something special with someone else. Yes, the case could be the one of being bitter, tired and painful but is that all that one can react to such unfortunate events in one's relation with the other?

I guess not. Walking away feeling bitter from somebody you thought you love is a sign that indeed the love that you have isn't that true. Love isn't bitter. It is forgiving and understanding.

Leaving it all behind without the bitterness and pain points to a more genuine form of love. If you really love somebody, then you should learn to let go of that somebody if you believe that it's the better choice for the both of you. of course, pain is inevitable but if you possess such a genuine kind of love, then the searing pain would eventually go away.

So does that stop you from loving someone? Is that the limit, for me, the excerpt is trying to express? I guess not. One of the most ultimate forms of love is loving even if somebody has gone away from you. Sacrificing your own happiness and satisfaction just to see the person you love somewhat happier with the new life you have given to him or her. Of course, the new chapter does not merit you to totally forget about the love you have for that person. Loving him or her still just as you do before shows the genuine love you have for that person. It is a love which transcends boundaries and survives even the most difficult situations in our lifetime.

Letting go of someone is part of loving that someone. And loving should not stop there. Even if you have parted ways, the love you had before should still be there and always be there till the end of time.

A love that endures time, transcends limitations and takes absence for presence is a rare kind of love one should cherish.

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