07 December 2010

The Stupidest Person Ever (Blast from Past)

Have you ever experienced shouting at a game show contestant while watching television? You shout at the contestant because you think he or she is either too dumb or too nervous to answer the correct one. And often the contestant reasons out, "Iba pala talaga pag totoo na." and you cringe at his or her excuses for they should still know the answer despite being nervous and all. But to tell you the truth, being on the actual thing is really nerve-wracking especially if too much is at stake. Think of the difference of being in a mock test and being in the actual examination. Isn't it way nerve-wracking to be in the exam?Often, game shows not only offer money but also the reputation of being good or something. So we shouldn't really blame people for not knowing the right answer because it's a whole new ballgame out there.

A similar thing to this is the act of giving advice. I mean when someone asks you to help them out with a problem (some mostly about his or her...ehem...love life...ehem...) most often than not you tell things that do logically mean something and are often the best ways possible out of the problem but the person who asked for advice just can't follow. And you get mad at him or her for being so stupid because you've already given the best ways out and the person won't follow because there's something inside them which pulls them back and tells them not to listen to you. And you'd call him or her the stupidest person ever.

But all of it comes back to bite you because you'd sometimes also act tht way. Before, I just really can't figure out why it's so hard to follow people's advice. All the logical bullshit and best ways out you'd tell are just thrown out the window. You are the stupidest person ever you'd call the person who asked advice from you.

Why can't a person follow all the logical stuff and advice he'd say? Simple.

The heart.

The heart often fights off all the logic and establishes what it wants. Often the heart doesn't agree with the head because the heart doesn't believe in logic. It believes and lives in emotion. Human emotion. Something which logic could not always explain. The heart wants its way even if logic doesn't allow.

The heart is that one force which moves someone to do things out of logic and do things beyond acceptable reasons.

And when the heart rules, you won't care even if you're called the stupidest person ever.