08 December 2010

Simply Simple

I passed by a prominent international brand’s boutique last Sunday and their window display caught my attention. Actually, I was just waiting for my mother to finish her Christmas Carol CD purchase and the boutique was just beside the record shop.

With nothing better to do, I channeled my inner (supposed) fashionista and decided to critique the three photos in the display. One photo was all about colors as the model wore different shades of the rainbow from head to toe. I guess the photographer wanted the colors’ dynamics to evoke inspiration. Sadly, it seemed over the top and left me uninspired. However, the other two photos were simply showed models fashionably clad. Though simpler, they left me with a positive vibe. Even though the photos were simple, they made me want to buy their jackets if only I had more money.

The verdict then: less is more.

I have always been a fan of the minimal and the un-fancy. You don’t need to be elaborate to evoke your desired outcome. You just have to make sure that all the essential elements are there and they all work and contribute to the accomplishment of your goal. Sometimes, the simple even works better than the elaborate since only the essential remain. The simple simply achieves.

Such experience highlights the need for us to be simple and live simply. When we dispose all the unnecessary clutter in our lives and only the essential remain, only then will we begin to fully realize what it is to be human.

It’s that simple.

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