10 December 2010

A Mathematical Pitfall to Avoid

Quick exercise: Would these pickup lines land you a date?

My love for you is like dividing by zero…it’s undefined.

You must be sin squared, because I'm cosine squared and together we equal one.

I love you like pi…it’s neverending.

Whatever your answer is and no matter how nerdy and sometimes bizarre their lovechild lines seem to be, you cannot deny that the language of math can be used to express one’s love and admiration.

However, infusing math in relationships does not always yield a peculiar yet pleasant solution. If there’s one thing we’d need to avoid, it’s quantifying the time and effort we spend in loving someone.

For those who have had or are currently in a relationship, there has probably come a time when you asked yourself if your partner gives the same amount of commitment as you do. A definite question to avoid since it potently leads to resentment. For most if not all of the time, somebody shows his/her love more and the other shows his/her love less. Very rarely that people show the same amount of love.

Measuring our relationships then could only lead us to taint the love we share and possibly its end. Instead, we should center our relationship on why we love in the first place, its raison d'être or reason for being. Love knows no numbers.

Thus, forget the number of times you have/have missed hugs, kisses and sweet exchanges because, as the song goes, what matters most is that you love and you are loved.

And in the end, that is all that will matter.

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