02 December 2010

The Only Thing I Remember from my Trigonometry Teacher

Some people just have the capacity to be plain rude.

Case and point one: While in the jeep on my way home, rude girl who is seated directly behind the driver just nonchalantly texts on her cellphone and ignores Another Passenger who’s directly handing her payment for rude girl to pass to the driver. I had to extend my long arms to reach for Another Passenger’s payment so that it’d be handed to the driver. And of course, this happened twice.

Rant: Who the hell are you to not extend your hand out? Let’s just cut your arms off so that you’d have a reason not to help someone out.

Case and point two: I went to Starbucks to buy some drink. On the way in, I saw only customer A in front of the counter and rude man go to the counter then walk away again to his table. Thus, when I arrived at the counter, I was next in line after customer A. Lo and behold after customer A finishes his order, rude man enters through the exit and pronounces that he was there first so baristas should serve him first. Good thing, I’m chummy with the baristas and they serve me first. Whilst rude man was about to throw a hissy fit actually. But I did not care. Sucks to be rude man.

Rant: Who the hell are you to cut lines? Did we sneak in to get ahead of you just as you are getting ahead of us? Why can’t you just wait for your effing turn?

After the mini-rants (which I am very much trying to avoid), all I would like to ask from people is for them to have manners. Please. Remember the golden rule: don’t do unto others what you want to do unto them. Thus, don’t cut corners if you don’t want to be cut.

Speaking of corners and cutting, I remember my 4th year Trigonometry teacher, Mr. Fragante. In between radians, cotangents and looking like he’s just had a drink everyday, he gave us wisdom one fateful senior high school day.

He asked us why we shouldn’t cut corners. Perplexed by his question, we told him we had no idea. Thus, he drew a square on the board and after showing it to us, he sliced triangle-shapes off the corners. The square looked like an octagon. And he then the light of wisdom befell us, “because you only create more corners.” Just wow! I think we even applauded right after for his sheer wisdom and brilliance. And for that, we forever remember him. And his drunken look of course! Kidding!

But it does make sense. Cutting corners will only create more corners that need to be hurdled. And continuously cutting corners would only perpetuate and even worsen the vicious cycle. Instead of settling anything, you settle nothing.

Thus, wait in line, help another passenger pay his/her ride and be fair in everything you do. It’s not as difficult as it sounds or how society’s ills make it out to be. You just got to try it and live by it.

Building on Mr. Fragante’s words, the person who will have the most difficult time when you cut corners is the person who creates more corners for his/her sorry self.

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