01 December 2010

The Person I Forget the Most to Forgive

I just watched Eat, Pray, Love three nights ago. The first thing that came to mind after the movie was that I’d also want to have my own similar journey! Top of my head, the countries I’d be going to are Brazil, Kenya and Greece. Chile and Spain are alternates. But of course, I have to amass a fortune first before fulfilling my dreams of having my own Eat, Pray, Love series.

The movie also appealed to me probably because it spoke of self-discovery/self-rediscovery. I believe I’m experiencing a much more inexpensive version of my own. Despite the busy schedule, I have come to terms with ghosts of my past and have achieved a sense of peace inside me. I hope this lasts long. I will work for it.

One of the scenes that left me teary-eyed was when Richard eventually opened up to Liz in India. Richard advised Liz to forgive herself. I took that as him also asking me to forgive myself as well.

I have always been hard on myself. It has been easier for me to forgive others of their wrongdoing than to forgive myself of my own shortcomings. It probably comes from my belief that I have adequate control over the things that happen to me. Thus, I have this illusion that I am responsible for everything awful that has happened to me.

Thus, that scene has made me realize that I need to become more lenient with myself. I need to forgive myself as well. I am young and I still have a lot to learn about the world before me. I may have stumbled quite a few times. I may have majorly tripped along the way as well. But we all go through our own trials, right? As always, it’s not how you fall but how you rise up and become better.

Rising up begins only with forgiveness. And that includes forgiving yourself.

One of my wishes this Christmas is that you find the courage and openness to forgive others and yourself. Hopefully, as a new year begins by the end of the month, you have completely forgiven yourself of past disappointments so that the year begins fresher and lighter!


  1. "Ate. Prayed. Loved."

    Sounds family!

  2. Siyempre I checked whether I said that talaga. Haha. Family much?
