03 December 2010

A Few Seconds to a Happier (and Crazier?) You

I’ll let you in on a little secret.

Sometimes, I look in the mirror and just smile at myself to feel happier.

I know it oozes with craziness and borders narcissism but please hear me out.

Generally, attitude follows behavior. How we conduct ourselves affect how we view and feel about ourselves. If you engage in activities which stimulate your happy self, then you’ll definitely feel happier.

Physically mimic the action corresponding to happiness is probably the simplest way to help yourself become happier. Thus, it all begins with a smile. Actually, looking in the mirror provides additional visual stimuli to ease the happiness harvest. We smile when we see something pleasant right? Now, who honestly does not think s/he looks beautiful or pleasant at the least?

Seeing yourself smile would then lead you to think happier thoughts and feel better about yourself. You might even want to break out in song or dance just so you’d be able to continue your streak of happiness. Trust me, during this simple exercise, a refreshing rush runs through you filling every inch of you with glee.

Smiling in the mirror, however egotistical it sounds, points to the phenomenon that happiness happens when a person pursues it. Happiness does not come from the external but it starts within. Though sometimes we’ll need other things or people to generate, all of these would not work if we do not want it ourselves. Thus, the first step towards happiness always rests in our initiative to desire happiness. A simple desire, if cultivated with care, would eventually leave us with delight or even ecstasy.

Still not convinced? Afraid of looking crazy? Why not try it for yourself? Looking crazy won’t matter when you’ve become happier.

Now let loose, look in the mirror, smile to yourself and holler happiness! ☺

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