23 November 2010

A Prayer

Today marks the first anniversary of one of the most horrendous events that rocked 2009. The Maguindanao Massacre.

I can still remember the images reeking of death. No words could ever be enough to describe the gruesome and repulsive scene.

Fifty-eight (58) people. Some of them were deemed as political rivals. Some of them were just doing their job as media men and women. Some of them were just there with their own business to mind. But all of them killed brutally and without mercy. All of them dying innocently and pointlessly at the cruel hands of their heartless tormentors.

One pointless death is already a travesty. Fifty-eight is a catastrophe.

Even more saddening is the fact that the judicial process has not progressed much. Expected, yes given the country’s record. But for a case like this? I don’t think it should be.

I can just imagine the grief of the victims’ relatives. The past year has been trying and tiring. And the slow trial turnout can be likened to a constant rub of salt on their wounds. A seemingly perpetual presence of agony.

Dealing with death is difficult already. What more is dealing with unjustified death? Whatever the result is, nothing could bring the dead back to life. And most probably, no explanation could ever suffice for the life that has unjustly been taken.

There’s nothing we can really do now but support those who are still reeling from the loss of their loved one. Death is inevitable but grief is optional. Of course, everyone will grieve from the loss at some point and it may even recur. But if we give them the support they need, the healing process would surely hasten. And in time, they may have already learned to accept what God has given them.

Thus, join me as I pray for the victims of last year’s Maguindanao Massacre. May they have found peace and justice in God’s company. Let us also pray for the victim’s relatives that God grant them the strength, wisdom and peace to continue on with their lives. Let them know, Lord, that the country is one in supporting them in their fight for justice.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. '...[A]ll of them killed brutally and without mercy.'

    I too feel strongly about this. May all we continue to demand justice for the victims.

    Never forget.
