08 November 2010

Blast from the Past: I crave for...

Since I'm sort of preparing an extra special entry, I decided to post another blast from the past one. This time from another blog. Yes, if you aren't aware of it yet, I've had three to four blog sites before this. Promise, I shall be posting an original one tomorrow!

This entry was written circa 2005.

Cravings. They're already part of human nature. Everyone strives to feel or have something they badly need. Well, it's almost always actually a need spurred by a much hungered for want. It all starts from the want and not actually the need. Whether it be a simple itch on the back you want to scratch or the latest cellphone model you want to experience at your own fingertips, we always do something to achieve satisfaction. we almost always don't need these things. we just want them. we just crave for them. Just like having the latest cellphone model. You don't really need it coz you'd live with a simpler one or old one, you just want it. And these wanting often stems from something evil. We often want something because we become selfish and we become slaves of ourselves. We only think of what we want and not what we and the other people really need. We crave for ourselves. We want to satisfy only ourselves. We think only of ourselves. This is where the mentality "I am the only person in the world who needs to be satisfied and i'll do anything to get satisfied even if it takes me doing something so evil" kicks in.

I mean i'm not generalizing that everything we crave for stems from something evil. There are many situations where we crave for the good, where we become our true calling to be in the image and likeness of God. These are the times when we crave for something good to happen to other people and you don't really think about you being satisfied. It's the satisfaction of the whole group one thinks of and not self-satisfaction. Often, no evil aura is given off here though there are also times where evil creates a monopoly of people to pursue its own satisfaction. Evil self-satisfaction should eradicated.

One good step is to crave for love. Selfless and unconditional love. We don't necessarily have to love only one person and devote our lives to them, love can be offered to so many people. The love i am talking about is the love, which at the start, craves for something in return but almost always gets nothing and gets hurt. There will be times that this love will lose hope and start to fade but hope for eternal satisfaction should rescue the withering faith. Unconditional love often is a product of pain and sacrifice. and it'll be long an excruciating but when time comes when we've already learned of what it truly means, then we won't have hard time anymore. And at that point in time, we'll feel eternal satisfaction. Satisfaction that is far greater than the often temporary ones which pepper our lives.

Love is the hardest yet the best way to achieve the satisfaction we crave for all of our lives.

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