24 November 2010

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Disclaimer: This entry is already probably my biggest effort in trying to sound like I still know some science. Anyway, one of the few things I still remember from my high school Physics class is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. In layman’s terms, the principle states that a particle’s position and momentum cannot precisely be measured simultaneously.

Certainly, you’re probably now uncertain how significant this uncertainty principle is to us. How in the world does a Physics concept relate to us, right?

Remember the entry on perceptions and cemented ones greatly affect how we inevitably perceive and act towards people? (Apologies to Burt Hummel of Glee’s Theatricality Episode entry) Such principle of Physics supports the thoughts presented in it when applied to our perception of others.

We meet people at different points in their lives. Sometimes, we meet them when they are full with glee, sometimes with sorrow. Some days, our encounters are rather ordinary. Some days however they seem to be taken from a novel or a movie. Given the variety of these encounters, I guess we could say that not one of these capture an individual’s entirety. One encounter does not define a person. And a person cannot define himself in just one particular encounter as well.

Just like Physics’ Uncertainty Principle, each encounter cannot define an individual’s entirety.

Not one of our encounters has the capacity to precisely capture an individual’s entirety. Just like measuring a particle’s position, it may only give us an idea of how the individual thinks and feels at that time and a glimpse as to how s/he deals with similar situations but that’s about it. To gain a better understanding of the individual, we can only research on the past and predict the future. Thus, we need to spend more time and effort to know them better.

Likening a person’s mood meanwhile to a particle’s momentum, one may be happy now but it can suddenly change in a minute or less. Also, one can be happy for a while but still be suffering from long-term depression. Thus, you really won’t have an idea how s/he is doing unless you stay with him/her for a longer time. Given how much more volatile people could be, gauging their disposition proves to be definitely much harder than projecting particle properties.

One encounter does not define an individual’s entirety. And an individual cannot define his/her entirety in just one encounter. Thus, such Physics principle supports the need for openness, time and effort to strengthen our relationships. We should always be open to new experiences with our acquaintances and even friends so that we’ll be able to erode whatever first impressions which have been cemented in our minds. Together with time and effort, we’ll be able to have a better understanding of the person concerned.

At that time, we shall be able to somewhat transcend the principle and be able to precisely measure both a person’s position and momentum simultaneously.

Writing this entry took me almost three weeks! I had a difficult time writing this  entry probably because I was often unsure how to relate the concept to daily life. But thankfully, I have pulled through!

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